Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does sin inhibit or empower your abilities and personal potential?

Hello everyone, I just ask that everyone keep an open mind. So the question is, does harboring dark (not necessarily evil) energy and sinning cause you to be a stronger being in this material world? Ever hear the expression "nice guys finish last"? It almost makes sense if you think about it. You need to be assertive and show personal power in order to get what you want whether it is a job, women, or respect from the general public. Im sorry to say this but nobody takes the "nice guy" as a serious force to be reckoned with. Plus there's no strength in being a nice guy who loses the job, girl to the next guy. It seems as if all of humanity is attracted to the so called darker side people. Here's where I pull in some of my own beleifs...If anyone has ever looked into Hinduism, you will know that there are 3 modes of nature. Ignorance, passion, and goodness, (and of course the transcendental form but Im focusing on earthly nature). Most people on earth are in either the mode of ignorance or the mode of passion. The mode of ignorance are the fools in this world as you all probably would have assumed. They cannot do anything good for themselves and suffer from madness, delusions, hopeless drug addictions. Basically the "sloppy ones" in the life who don't have anything together. The man in passion however, is a hardworking being working endlessly for results of his efforts. He is what a person on earth should be. This state is of conditional love, passion, and other earthly senses. The mode of goodness I cannot exactly describe too well, I'd say it is based around unconditional love, selflessness, and happiness. Unfortunalty, very few people are truely in this state of being. We all have desires and many are seen as sins or sinfull, but to us it's all in the "norm". The beings in passion are said to worship the demons whether we know this or not. It makes sense with all the hate, discrimination, ect... that are actively in play. However this seems so normal to many people. Examples such as this person doesn't deserve my love or respect because he is a selfish person, or a scheming rat or a leech or a heartbreaker, you get the picture...We don't like certain people and it is natural to show this dislike in unique ways. If there not with us, there against us. So wouldn't it make sense, if we are already worshiping demons unconsciously, acting in "dark"(earthly) ways, to focus our energy on Satan? Maybe not Satan as a entity, but as the personal energy (Kundalini, the serpent sleeping in our Root Chakras) inside of us? The energy to realize our full potential, to strengthen us, to rise above mediocracy, above the sheep? Why wouldn't we want to thive as our own? If we direct our focus to the source, wouldn't we thrive and become even more powerful than ever. Powerfull as in mentally, emotionally, phiscally, spiritualy, all with responsiblity of course. There is no evil only the way of the mundane, and too be honset im thinking that I'd rather be a leader than a blind sheep in the mold of the world. Someone who knows what's going on, what people want. Someone with an extraordinary sense of intellect. Unconditional love and bliss is a pleasant thought in my mind and I wish the world were filled with both but, it's just not how the world works. So with this said, does "dark", earthly energy from fulfilling desires(sins) help you or should we lead a life in pursuit of GOD and risk being in mediocrity, unfulfillment, and total ignorance of our potential? Also let me know what you guys think about the whole Satan/Kundalini energy theory. Thanks

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